We English refer to observational painting as "Still Life." The French poetically name this practice "Nature Morte" which translates, morbidly to "Dead Nature." Unfortunately the species depicted here will only be digital copies, manipulated from a lost moment and doomed to live a life of digital purgatory. The pixels in this painting refer to the circle of lifelessness these digital images take on, compressed, exported, reposted and imitated through art. Lets not fuck up the world too much.
Exploring the fragility of nature with The Origami Expert, Airborne Mark. Photo: Street Art Atlas Wall: Ldn Calling Blog
FieldFare (Turdus pilaris) Photo by SkyHigh
Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) Photo by Street Art Atlas
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) With Birch and Spruce
Roll for days...
Crofton Park
Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus) Decline of an estimated 93 per cent between 1970 and 2008
Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) Its not a Penguin...